Monday, July 14, 2014

Finding Balance

Ah, Balance....just makes me feel relaxed and confident. Problem is, we currently don't have balance in our home. Summer threw us for a loop that I wasn't expecting. When I left my job a year ago I only had a few days at home with the kids before running off to Atlanta, GA for Thirty-One's National Conference. I was home a week and we started school. This year it was the whole summer. Not having a schedule has really taken it's toll. The kids are always bored or playing the wrong way. So it's time to bring back balance.

In just two weeks we will be beginning our second year of homeschooling. Ethan is moving on to 1st Grade and Abby is going into Kindergarten. Yes, she's still 4 1/2 but given the work that she did last year and the way she always was involved in Ethan's work I know she is going to do well. She is ready and she is capable, I see no reason holding her back just because her birthday falls in October. They are both excited for school to start and ready for it. We are waiting on my Kindergarten Teacher's Kit for Abby but otherwise we have everything we need. It's just a matter of finding balance.

Balance with school, balance with the house work, balance with my Thirty-One business, balance with setting goals and priorities and sticking to them and of course balance with family and personal time. I am learning that while I live by the calendar and tend to try to be a very schedule oriented person, it isn't the way that my husband and kids like to live. Abby might, she always wants to know what we are doing on a given day and what's coming next. So I am trying to learn to throw in unplugged, free time. Quality time that is spent moving, dancing, singing, playing and making memories. Kids need time to run, they need time to be kids. Mommy has to realize that these are their formative years and that some things that I deem important as an adult, they are just not ready to grasp yet. It will come in time. Love them while they are young, innocent and learning.

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